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Murat Avci

Adres: 1181. CADDE (ESKİ 11) 3

Tel 1: 0 (312) 503 14-44

Faks: 0 (312) 503 14-45

Email 1: muratavci1907@hotmail.com

Web: http://www.avcikesimbukum.com/


Haır Cut

As you know, sheets are metal products consisting of copper and metal mixtures. These products show a wide variety of plates, profiles and angles. The usage area of the sheet is used in heavy industry, automobile industry, construction industry and many other areas that you cannot think of, so sheet metal cutting, sheet bending, sheet pressing should be done with a sensitive and careful workmanship. This happens with expert personnel and technological machinery park, and vuslat metal always supports its expert personnel with the latest model machinery.

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