Special: Other thicknesses in production; Special cuts in width and length are possible.
Material Structure
Betopan®, which has been produced since 1984 and is the apple of the eye of the building sector; It is produced from a mixture of wood, cement and chemical additives that are harmless to health; its lightness, elasticity, machinability; It provides its users with superior structural properties by taking its resistance to water and moisture from wood, its resistance to burning and rotting from cement. betopan® is a cemented particle board produced as a functional product that can be used in all interior spaces of a building from the foundation to the roof.
Does not contain any harmful substance. It provides excellent sound and heat insulation. Ideal for prefabricated buildings. It does not swell in water and does not mold. It is not affected by humidity. It is not plastic. It does not infestation. It does not catch fire. Installation is quick and easy. In addition to the qualities of the boards such as durability, lightness and easy availability; Apart from its main purpose of use in the construction sector, it also increases the reasons for its preference, as it has many areas of use (areas where food-based health is at the forefront such as poultry farming, greenhouse farming, fishing, etc.).