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Akmetal Paint Industry Trade. LLC.

Adres: 1263. CADDE (ESKİ 366) 18

Tel 1: 0 (312) 354 50-86


Email 1: kumlama@akmetalboya.com

Web: https://www.akmetalboya.com/

Akmetal Paint Industry Trade. LLC. About

Akmetal Paint Industry and Trade Co.Ltd; Akmetal Sandblasting and Painting was established in 1987. Our company's growth strategy, which started from a small painting workshop, was in harmony with the needs of the customers and progressed to become a large enterprise.

Despite the heavy economic crisis that emerged in 2001, it operates as a sandblasting and painting workshop in a 1000m2 closed area.

Mehmet Akyürek, the successful entrepreneur and founder of this great adventure, is still actively working for our company, apart from his various duties (ASO council member, OSİAD VE İÇASIFED founder and chairman, Anadolu OSB founder and board member…etc).

As a company open to innovations, it is our biggest mission to renew ourselves day by day and to provide customer satisfaction for you.

Our aim is to do quality works in accordance with Turkish and World standards in the field of sandblasting and painting with our experienced and conscious team.

Boya İmalat ve Satış- Boya Malzemeleri Kumlama ve Isıl İşlem