Adres: 1308. SOKAK (ESKİ 78) 6 Z-15
Tel 1: 0 (312) 354 80-16
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AMP Software; It was founded in 1993 by 2 civil engineers in Istanbul, in order to be a solid bridge between the construction and service sectors and the IT sector. The main purpose of the company was to produce Tender and Progress Payment software and services for the private sector and public institutions and contractors doing business in accordance with the Public Procurement Law and other relevant legislation.
1995 Transportation quantity, price difference, etc., which is the source of inspiration for all of today's progress payment software. AMP Hakediş ve Discovery DOS was launched as the basic and only application that brings definitive solutions to accounts.
1997 Turkey's first Tender Preparation program was launched.
1998 Turkey's first and only Competency and Affordable Price Program, which is the source of inspiration for the Tender Automation software in the market, was launched.
2000 AMP Progress Payment and Discovery Windows, which opened a new page for Progress programs, was launched.
2001 AMP CRM System launched.
2003 AMP Tender Automation, the tender processes management and application software in accordance with the law numbered 4734, was put into use.
2004 AMP Approximate Cost and Offer launched.
2005 AMP Progress Payment and Approximate Cost launched.
2006 Tender Preparation program Goods and Services modules were put into use.
2007 Ankara Regional Directorate was opened and an R&D unit was established in METU Technopolis. Within the scope of EBYS projects, much superior products started to be developed by using advanced technologies.
2008 The new AMP Tender Automation project, which represents the summit for tender processes, has been completed.
2009 Turkey's first Goods and Service Progress Payment Software AMP MH was launched for Goods and Service Purchases. With this program, a major deficiency in the sector has been completed.
As a result of our 2010 R&D studies, the AMP Tender Automation Consultancy Module was put into use.
2011 AMP Academy opened. Training, courses and seminars started to be given throughout Turkey in the field of quantity, approximate cost, antiquities and tender applications. Turkey's first and only program, AMP İnşaat Bid, where offers can be prepared over the exchange rate, taking into account the needs of the private sector and construction companies doing business abroad, was launched.
2012 AMP Planner: Work Program module and Forest Roads module were launched for our Approximate Cost and Progress Payment programs.
2013 AMP Corporate Progress Payment was launched. It is the best progress payment program developed to date with its corporate features and new standards it has brought to the sector in the field of security and management.
2014 Easy Metering, which is the most practical way of extracting quantities from Drawing, which is also a first in the sector, was launched.
Structural arrangements were made in line with R&D studies in the 2015 Work Program, Corporate Progress Payment, Progress Payment and Approximate Cost and AMP Goods and Services Procurement Programs. Yapı site was modernized.
2016 Consultancy services started in the field of progress payment and contract disputes. ,,, sites were renewed. AMP E-Ticaret and websites were put into service. The MAH program has been transformed into Turkey's most comprehensive and most reliable Goods and Services progress payment program with the added personnel file, payroll and other features. Many new features have been added to the Corporate Progress and Approximate Cost program, the Easymeter program has been developed and its standalone version has been published.
2017 site was renewed, Manager Console Module, Collateral Tracking and Advance Management Module, Posing Suggestion System, Security Improvements and many other features were added to the Corporate Progress and Approximate Cost program. AMP Direct Supply program was upgraded to MS SQL database, unit-based work was introduced, statistics section was developed.
2018 Unit Price Automation program was developed and put into service for the Ministry of Environment and Urbanization, Higher Science Council. AMP Software won the tender for the İZSU Infrastructure Progress Payment program.
2019 Institutional Infrastructure Approximate Cost and Progress Payment program was put into service. Integration with ComDonati was made. Easy Quantity Iron Reinforcement program was put into service. Liquidation Module, Contract Management Module, Inspection and Acceptance Procedures Module, Market Price Research Module, Wire Mesh Module and SCT Price Difference Module were added to the Institutional Progress and Approximate Cost program. We continue without stopping..